Niko Maillet Niko Maillet

Analog Synths and Luxury Beliefs

Lately I have been getting more fascinated with analog synthesizers. I find myself casually watching videos of people playing synths and listening to ambient mixes of Prophet’s, Moog’s and lots of other classic synths. There is something a little bit nostalgic about listening to someone play a Roland Juno 106, that classic 80’s synth sound is magical to me.

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Niko Maillet Niko Maillet

Imposter Syndome and Pre Show Nerves

Have you ever struggled with Imposter Syndrome?

I feel like this is something every creative person deals with, and I have seen it in some of the most successful people I have met.

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Niko Maillet Niko Maillet

Mixing, Enlightenment, and Meaning

Last week I went on a deep dive of mixing and mastering and some of you asked that I go a bit more into the strategy and big picture ideas around mixing, rather than get too in the weeds about technicalities. This makes more sense for a written format, so I will do the best I can!

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Niko Maillet Niko Maillet

The Art of Mixing and Mastering

Lately I have been doing a lot of mixing and mastering for clients, and working on a bunch of mixes for my own music. I am producing a lot for music libraries for tv and film opportunities, and also working on my debut album.

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Niko Maillet Niko Maillet

Album and a Record Label?

For a long time, I have always dreamed of being able to release an album, and for years I asked myself, am I ready for this?

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Niko Maillet Niko Maillet

Fasting and Flow

I hope you've been well! Happy New Year!

The past week for me has been a little strange, to say the least! I just finished a 7-day water fast, eating nothing more than a banana one time in a week.

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