Oregon Coast and the Surprise of a Lifetime

The magic of the Oregon Coast is unmatched

“He who attains his ideal, precisely thereby surpasses it.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Hey friend,

I hope you've been well!  

Last weekend I took a trip with my wife down to the Oregon coast for our 1st anniversary since getting married. We went to the little surf town Cannon Beach, famous for its massive Haystack rock, and appearing in the movie The Goonies.

We spent the weekend exploring some cool trails in the area, hiking to beautiful cliff sides and wandered through old growth forests in the rain. It was beautiful and foggy the whole first day which really added to the mystique of the coast. We ate clam chowder, had fires on the beach at night, and explored the low tide pools filled with starfish and all kinds of cool creatures. The sand on the beaches was the softest sand i’ve ever felt in my life, it felt like icing sugar.

All of the exploring was really fun, but the major thing that happened that day was that I found out I’m going to have a daughter.

I’ve felt for years like I wasn’t ready for kids but I finally am in a place where the idea of being a dad couldn’t make me happier. I am really looking forward to raising her in my studio, learning to produce music and play synths with me. I hope she’ll have a nice singing voice and we can collaborate on some awesome music!

There is so much opportunity to fill her with cool experiences, useful skills, and wisdom, and I know it’s going to be quite the adventure!

I have a couple of longer form pieces I want to write soon but I will let you go for now! 

Take care my friend,

- Niko


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The Golden Snitch - Alchemy, Mercury, and Attention